Spring, however, is the season of growth and newness, full of new life and bright colors. Although we most recognize these things in nature somehow the spring affects us too! Ya got 'spring fever', 'spring break' and the powerful compulsion of 'spring cleaning'. I don't know about you, but for some reason this year I have gone into a state of purging! Sadly I am the only one in my family who is excited about this.
It's amazing how much you accumulate over the years. We have been in this house going on 14 years and there has been some 'down sizing' over the years but never like this. I think there comes a time in our lives when we crave a simplier clutter free life. That time for me is NOW!
I don't think we realize how much we have become slaves to our stuff. I am not lazy but there are somethings I just refuse to have alot of, take nic-nacs for instance, they are nice and pretty and such but they constantly have to be dusted, nobody got time for that! I believe we forget sometimes that this is our temporary home.
Recently my in-laws decided that, due to their age, it was time to downsize. It wasn't that they wanted to depart from their belongs but rather because they wanted to lessen the burden of someone else having to deal with it once they were gone. I guess that concept has stuck out for me in many ways. Why not live this way all the time? Truth is no one knows when death will claim them and for us christians when we will be called home. Think about it, when we travel from our homes for vacation and such, we only take what we need, why would we continue to live our lives as if we are here to stay?
Perhaps this 'purging' episode of mine has touched more areas of my life then just my surroundings? I don't want to be someone who feels the need to have material things that fill my world here, I want to be the visitor who has little in physical possessions and much in spiritual ones. I have always loved that verse that says "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Mathew 6:21 & Luke 12:34) Read it hundreds of times but today it speaks to me like never before. I want this to be one of times when His Word becomes life changing, rooted in my heart and mind as a constant reminder this is NOT my home. Imagine what our lives would be like.
Well I must get back to purging there is still so much to do. Now If someone would just gift me with a big dumpster I could move on to the garage and shed! LOL

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