We all have those days when we are just not with it. Well I am one of those people who laugh at themselves ALL THE TIME! I remember, not too long ago, I was in a hurry to get somewhere but my remote key for the van would not unlock it. I was like "Great its gonna take USAA at least an hour to get here to let me in my van!" ....... "Wait a minute , duh, use the key!". Imagine how embarrassing that call would have been.
I have silly laughable moments like that frequently. I might even be one of the funniest people I know, especially when no one else is around! I can be serious, but always with a dash of humor, life is serious enough and could use something to lighten things up. LISTEN UP FOLKS two things are certain, we live and we die, all that stuff in between can either give us wrinkles or make ya laugh so hard you tinkle. In other words you can worry about it or find humor it. I say we shoot for the latter.Laughter is a form of communication that’s universally recognized, which suggests it has deep importance. It is thought that laughter may have occurred before humans could speak as a playful way for mothers and infants to communicate, as a form of play vocalization, or to strengthen group bonds. Even today our brains are wired to prime us to smile or laugh when we hear others laughing.
Laughter is a largely involuntary response; it’s not generally something you can force yourself to do and quite obvious when it is faked, even the brain gets confused with a faked response and sends out an all bulletins alert - malfunction detected (not lie check it out). Instead, laughter is thought to be triggered by mechanisms in your brain and impacts breathing patterns, facial expressions, and even the muscles in your arms and legs. It plays a role in your health, too, and has many quirks and mysteries that make it one of the most fascinating physical reactions that a human (and certain other species) can make.
Research has shown laughter may reduce stress hormones and boost your immune function, while also inducing optimistic feelings. Laughter has demonstrated a wealth of physiological, psychological, social, spiritual, and quality-of-life benefits, so much so that increasing numbers of health care centers are adopting laughter therapy as a form of complementary care. Opportunities that provide for group laughter, such as laughter yoga and laugh parties, are also becoming increasingly popular around the world. Sign me up!
In closing I leave for you a joke my 8 year old nephew told me on Saturday:
"What's the difference between broccoli and a booger?"
" Kids won't eat the broccoli!"
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