One of my most favorite things to study is the Fruit of the Spirit. I recently found a 10 series collection by Laura Velez that I am pretty excited about doing. I found it very interesting that the first series started with self-control, mostly because this is probably one area I could truly use the Spirit's help in developing the most.
The apostle Paul listed 9 characteristics, in Galatians 5:22-23, that must be growing in our lives as Christians. These characteristics are totally in harmony with God's full spiritual intent of holiness. Growing in the fruit of the Spirit is evidence of His Spirit in our lives. These are not suggestions or possibilities but rather aspects of the mind of God and since that is the goal as Christians, to be more like Jesus, allowing Him to display His character in our daily lives is something we all should want.
Christian have the opportunity to be walking billboards of God's existence and wisdom. When we demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit, people watch and take notice. Whether they mock us for being naive when we patient trust God through trials or commend us for our generous and loving attitudes, they do see. Whether they laugh at us for controlling our human impulses or stare in amazement as we find fulfilling peace amidst tragedy, they see.
The fruit of the Spirit isn't about just sitting and waiting for the Kingdom, but rather about training for living God's way of life now with every thought and action of our lives. Then the example of peace and comfort that comes along with those changed attitudes and standards will be a witness as to why the Kingdom of God is so needed.
What I love most about the fruit of the Spirit is that He does most of the work, all I have to do is be willing to allow Him to make the changes in my life, to help me be more like Jesus from the inside out. This is what the more of Him less of me looks like, this is the Holy Spirit in our lives, gradually growing stronger and stronger in our lives till God shines through more brightly then we do.
Well if you are interested in looking further into the Fruit of the Spirit I have attached a link below for Amazon, the entire series on Kindle is on about $12 and so far I am enjoying it and look forward to the Spirit continuing to do a work in me to be more like Him and less like me.
Fruit of the Spirit 10 book series
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