I laughed and told him I’d have to
try his grip-n-yell technique. So far, whenever my daughter (also a new driver)
is in the driver’s seat, I’ve only employed the technique of quietly lecturing
with hand motions her on all the things she should have done ‘back there’.
She says it isn’t helping.
It got me thinking about parenting in
general. If you were to create a graph, categorizing all of the ways I
communicate with my kids, the leading column–I’m afraid–would be lecturing. I
spend far more time telling them what they should have done ‘back there’, than
telling them what they should do ‘up here’.
In other words, I probably correct more than I
Yet the parent in Proverbs 2 does
just the opposite. He says to his son:
- Do you want to always know the right thing to do?
- Do you want God to shield you from calamity?
- Do you want God to guard your path, so that no one attacks you?
- Do you want God to watch over you, and keep you safe?
See how this parent whets the
appetite for wisdom? He’s with his child, parked near the on-ramp of life,
looking out over the dashboard, asking, “What do you want this drive to be
like? What crashes and roadblocks do you want to avoid?”
Then, he says, “So, here’s the
highway you want to take. It’s named Wisdom.” He points out how this road is
marked by upright decisions, integrity and justice.
He promises his child that if he will
call out for wisdom, seek it, and search for it like treasure,
“Then you will
understand righteousness and justice and equity, every
good path;
for wisdom will
come into your heart,and knowledge will
be pleasant to your soul.”
(Proverbs 2:9-10)

And isn’t this how God parents us? He
doesn’t lecture or yell about our past indiscretions. He invites us to take the
path of wisdom. He points to the on-ramp, just ahead.
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