Over the weekend I wanted to do some yard work but I also wanted to read a book so I decided to do both. As you may recall when I read a book it usually involves note taking and highlighting in hopes that my recall of the information will be improved but this time I decided to go the audio book route and downloaded Jesus > Religion. This book was recommended by my friend Leah.
I was pleasantly surprised at how listening to the book actually kept my attention even while raking and picking up leaves. Needless to say I worked longer than anticipated just because I did not want to stop listening to the book. Although the plan was to read the book with Leah, I accidentally finished it while grocery shopping yesterday! (Sorry Leah). It was a good book.
I am pretty sure this book was written for the 15-25 age range, but there was some pretty insightful stuff in there. One thing I recall is when he talked about the parable of the prodical son, I don't know about you but I have never given much thought to the brother of the prodical son. I have however been in that brother's position of wondering why some receive more than others especially those who seemingly don't deserve it. This and many other stories are told throughout the book that give a much different perspective on the normal and usual stories we have all heard and read over the years. I can see that this book will be controversial, especially to the religious Christians, those with all the rules and the you must do things this way or that way, etc., etc., etc.,.

Best thing about being a Christian is that God knew that we would suck at it and that we would continue to suck at it because even though HE made it so simple , we made it so impossible to live up to for so many.
From a 40+ year old perspective this was a very thought provoking book especially having been brought up in church where doctrine and rules are plenty on the do's and don't of being a Christian according to the Church of God or any denomination for that matter. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the book, it was written more for the younger generation, and it may not have been the authors intention, but more specifically for the teen and young adult males, as it covers quite a bit of the struggles that men face. One topic covered is pornography, and I have never known any male that has not dabbled or struggled with this issue at some point during their lives, it a very real and powerful struggle and one that is more often times whispered about but rarely openly discussed.
Sin is sin in the eyes of God where a white lie is the same as stealing, and gossiping as murder and so forth, but the good news is that ALL are forgiven, even when one has to keep asking forgiveness for the same things. That's how wonderful God's love, grace and mercy are.
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