When we become stressed or tension is caused, a number of 'negative' emotions start to build, including anger, frustration, fear, jealousy and so on. When we display these emotions it can affect others around us often times arousing similar feelings. Some people are are either not good at restraining their emotions or are less concerned about the effect on others and more about the personal benefits of emotional outbursts, causing them to regularly and habitually display those emotions. There has to be a middle ground when it comes to emotions, especially as Christians. Emotional outburst regarding negative emotions are both selfish and lacking in self control.
Over the years I have learned the importance of processing my thoughts and feelings and rarely just reacting emotionally. That is not to say I am not upset at that given moment, I just try not to respond until I have given myself time to filter through those emotions. When we have a lot going on or we are tired we are more sensitive than usual and are more inclined to "emotional outbursts". There are benefits to both and disadvantages. Sometimes we regret what was said or done and sometimes we regret what was not said or done during the heated moments.
I like to think of emotions as storm clouds, they obscure our view and until those storm clouds dissipate all decisions made during that time are a gamble, and when it comes to relationships, which are hard enough, do you really want to take the chance of making a wrong decision for a momentary feeling of validation?
Anyway, I don't think we can fully rely on our feelings but after some serious processing if you still feel the same then I believe the decision has to be made to do something or if leaving it alone all together is the best choice as somethings really are beyond our control and expressing feelings regarding that may or may not satisfy the need to be heard or in most cases have those feelings validated.
Much to ponder..........
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