I woke up this morning feeling like I was in the dead of winter. My son apparently got hot during the night and turned the thermostat down to 65! I have got to get a lock for that thing! I like it cool in the house when I am sleeping but not so cold I don't even want to get out from under the covers. Of course he has no clue what that does to the electric bill, I wonder if there is a parental control on that thing that requires a pass-code? I will have to check on that.
Busy weekend. I am in the process of making office space in my home and I recently got some new couches so I spent the greater part of my weekend moving things around to accommodate an office area and that can take some time. I am one of those people who will move things around, go to the front door to take it all in and decide if it looks aesthetically pleasing at first glance when walking into the house. Needless to say I had to move that room around a dozen times before I finally decided I could live with the way it looks from the front door.
With my bosses retirement, and my new boss living in Jupiter, Florida, it has been decided that we will work from home, so I am working towards getting ready for that move and I think I have finally decided just where to set up, now to order some office furniture. I am not just looking for an office desk, I want to create an 'office' environment, but trying to explain that to my husband has not been easy, but he will get it once its all set up. Besides at least I still have a job, we originally thought I would be phased out but and back to looking for another job, thankfully that is not the case!
In the meantime I am also helping my niece plan for her upcoming October wedding. Yesterday we went to the venue to brain storm on placement, decorations, setting and all the other things that go into wedding planning. We were there for about 3 hours, but it was a productive 3 hours and we finally have a game plan. Most importantly I believe I have a better understanding of what her vision for her wedding will look like and that's important. These things must be treated with delicacy and although I am confident in my abilities to make her vision a reality, no amount of self-confidence can easily calm the mind of a worrying bride. It's her wedding day and I want her to be happy with the results, and I have no doubt she will be.
On a low note, my diet was horribly derailed over the weekend and that skinny chic in side of me is NOT happy with me. It's not that I ate horribly, I just ate a few things that I have decided to cut out of my diet for a while. Yes meaning I failed at some self-control too. That is and will remain an ongoing project. I did however discover a few things. Bread is not my friend, it bloats me up like the good year blimp and there isn't anything good about that. Also, I am pretty sure I have a dairy intolerance. So all is not lost. I always do really well during the week, it those weekends that get me sometimes, guess I need to plan better for the weekends.
This week I will be moving on to book two of the Fruit of the Spirit Series I told you about last week. Book two is Meekness which should be interesting cause just what I have read so far, which isn't much, covers pride and that is something I do struggle with from time to time,. I am sure I will share more later this week.
Have a great week my friends!
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