If you have never study the Fruit of the Spirit, you may not fully understand what I am talking about when I reference fruit. These qualities or virtues are produced by the action of the Holy Spirit in us. They grow in a person who, by faith, obeys God's word through the guidance and power of God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power of God in our lives. You have heard or read the verse Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...". The Spirit is the transformer that produces that fruit. It is no coincidence that Jesus is the Word of God/Bible, the written revelation of God and His purpose, because He knows that what goes into the mind will determine what we produce in our lives. Therefore the more His Spirit transforms the more His likeness shines through. This is the goal of every Christian, to be like Christ. Less of me, more of Him.

In reading about meekness this week it has to be one of the most difficult fruit to allow the Spirit to develop in Christians. We live in an extremely selfish age with the Me-attitudes instead of the Beatitudes. "Blessed are the strong, we can hold our own". Many people consider meekness a weakness. Some think that meekness makes you vulnerable to the manipulation of others, but I think that is an issue of boundaries, not meekness. Jesus was meek. (Matthew 11:29) and he was no weakling or wimp! I like Rick Warren's definition on meekness, he says: "Meekness is strength under control". Like a wild stallion that has been tamed, his power and strength still remain, but now the Master can use that strength and power according to his will. That is the purpose of Spirit. to take the wildness of humanity and transform it into the likeness of Jesus.
Meekness is one of those fruit that does not stand alone, even in the Beatitudes. One cannot have meekness without mourning and poor in spirit, or in laymen terms, godly repentance and total dependence. Meekness/gentleness is also coupled with faithfulness and self control which are qualities of the Spirit that work together in us.
If you want to get a better understanding of the Fruit of Spirit, don't read the series of books by Lara Velez, instead check our Elizabeth George's "A Woman's Walk with God", I will link it below. Her book is by far the best study I have don't yet on this subject and its an easy read with a powerful impact.
I think after I go through the Fruit of the Spirit, I am gonna do a study on the Beatitudes, both mirror what my life should look like, or I may just re-do Elizabeth George's again.
A Woman's Walk with God
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