Greetings Friends and happy Monday!

I hope that all of you who are mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day. The one thing I look forward to each year are the letters from my children. I am not sure when or why they decided to write me a letter for Mother's Day, but I am glad they did. Allie's letter made me cry, she really has a good heart, and Nick's made me laugh. There is a line in Nick's that says " I am glad you are not too strict but I am also glad your not too loose" I just died laughing. Nick is funny even when he handed me the note he said: "now I don't want you coming to me after you read this all mushy and emotional or anything okay?" Both letters were a wonderful gift, and its nice to hear how loved and appreciated you are. Larry got me roses, when Nick saw them he said: "you would think after 17 years dad would know by now you don't like roses".
As for the concert Friday Night, it was better than I ever imagined it would be. Amy Grant was wonderful, still looks as beautiful and young as ever. Nicole Nordeman was probably my favorite though, her songs and music are so powerful. Francie and I had a great time before, during and after and I look forward to more adventures with her in the future.

Saturday afternoon, we attened a combination birthday dinner celebration for my sister Angie, niece Brittnie and her beau Phillip, out at the barn. Phillip's family cooked some really good food it was a nice day for it too. While everyone was finishing up eating, Phillip took center stage and held up some poster boards for Brittnie to read and respond to, but ya really couldn't understand anything but the tears of joy. Finally I was like so was that a yes or no? So congratulations Brittnie on your engagement and future wedding, try not to stress to much while planning for the big day. I do however think its cool that your initials will be BLT, who wouldn't like that? Congrats.
Very productive and nice weekend. I was so inspired by the concert for friday night I went home, wrote a song and even wrote a mother's day poem for my mom and was glad to have been able to spend a little time with her. I know she loves me especially after eating a few pieces of that nasty lemon pound cake that I made, yukitty yuk yuk yuk! I won't be attempting that again any time soon!
Well have wonderful week everyone! In closing I wanted to share a pretty cool song we heard over the weekend from Nicole Nordeman called "Slow Down mother to a child song I think you will enjoy it, I personally cried.
Slow down
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