Now Nick, he is very afraid of spiders and it does not matter if its the size of the tip of a pen or as big as a golf ball, fear is fear! I can't help but laugh (under my breath of course), especially when its one of those tiny ones, cause good heavens he is 1000 times bigger for goodness sake and should be able to manage the death penalty from time to time, but no instead he is yelling "M O M"! He goes all Al Capone!
I am not sure how or when it happened that I would be the designated spider assassin, but I am, cause no one else will do it, and Allie, wwweeeellllllll.... she wants to always save the intruder and place it gently back outside so that it can try to find yet another way inside my domain! Mind you most of these intruders are the fast and furious sort that looks like a brown recluse but probably is not. And you should see what I look like when I swat one of those with a baby sack, I feel like I am playing wack-a- mole, but I promise you there are NO survivors!

If you have watched that show ZOO, you know why I think this is possible. If we evolve, especially intellectually (debatable) then I must assume they do as well and one day they just might decide to seek revenge on this spider assassin or at least try. Let's be honest I could very easily be considered an expert as a spider assassin and I am not afraid to use my hand if that thing lands on me either.
Anyway, for you animal loves of all shapes and sizes, my apologies, I love animals too but I have boundaries and they should as well, there will be many questions I will have to ask God about when I meet Him face to face, insects will be one of the top 10.
Have a great weekend everyone and be safe!
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