Good Morning Ladies, and what a steamy morning it is. I don't know about you but I am NOT looking forward to the summer! I am a Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer type of girl, in order of most favorite to least favorite. First thing in the morning it's not too bad, but by 10am, wow! In addition to not caring much for these HOT summers I am also a sweater (one who sweats) so sometimes fixing my hair is such a waste of time! Anyway, enough of about my love for the summer heat.
As you all know I have been studying the Fruit of the Spirit. Greenhouse has also been doing a series over the last few weeks on this same subject. This past Sunday was on goodness, which was a great start to my week five which also happens to be GOODNESS!
Doing good or causing good to be done is something that can bring much joy to not only us, but for other as well. Acts of kindness are a nice way to show goodness. Goodness and generosity go hand in hand. Although this can involve money, such as giving to missions, sponsoring a child, church building funds, or even tithing, generosity is not about the money but about the condition of your heart when giving.
Goodness seeks out ways in which to show goodness to others. Rather it is saying "thank you", asking forgiveness, helping someone out, volunteering, the list goes on and on. Serving others is a wonderful way to allow the Fruit of Goodness to produce in our lives. Now I know it is not easy to always be in a state of giving and in our human form it is not a natural thing to do for many people. The bible tells us to "be a cheerful giver" to "do not store up treasures here on earth" to "give and it shall be given unto you", and goodness is the result of a giver.
I am finding in studying these Fruits that they are all connected and each Fruit helps us grow in other fruits as they build on and within one another. We tend to put an actual fruit with each of these Fruit of the Spirit, imagine what the Fruit of the Spirit would look like if all the fruits we attach to these were grown into just one fruit, and what would it be called? Well for us it would look like Jesus and be called Heritage. It has and will always be God's desire for us to allow Him to develop in our lives. God so lovingly gave us an example - Jesus but made certain that we would not have to do it alone and so He left us with His Spirit. That's God's goodness.
I get a little excited when I think about what I will become as I allow the Spirit to grow me into the likeness of Jesus and I know the more time I spend focusing on that goal, the easier it will be for me to break the strongholds this world has over us and be free to become all that God intended for me to be.
Goodness sakes I have to scat I have a coffee date with a friend and I don't want to be late. Until next time, be good to one another!
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