The program consists of at least 8 weeks. You download the app on your smartphone and as you play your favorite music mix (mine is Amy Grant) you start the app for the week and day you are on and begin. Each week is meant to strengthen your legs and breathing and increase your endurance. It starts slow and builds up from there. For example week one you run for 60 seconds week two 90 seconds week three 3 minutes and so forth until you get to week 8 which is running/jogging for 30 minutes or until you get to 3 miles. This is my second time trying the C25K plan as 3 minutes was as far as I got before I gave up.
The first two weeks were pretty easy, I mean I got out of breath but I kept going and felt like I was gonna die at the end of each one, but strangely enough I survived to run another day. When I got through with week three I thought there is no way I am ready to move to a 5 minute run so I decided to re-do week three but on the third day of week three I wanted to see just how long I could run so instead of using my app I turned on the treadmill and warmed up and then began running, I was just trying to see if I could do 5 minutes of running, but when I got to 5 minutes I felt like I could go a little further. Needless to say once I got to 8 minutes I noticed I was already past a mile of running and was determined to make it to 10 minutes, so I just kept running. Well I did make it to 10 minutes but I was huffing and puffing those last 60 secs, cheering myself on the whole time, saying "you can do this" , "don't quit!".
I was pretty pleased with this accomplishment considering my fear was that I would not even make it 5 minutes. Funny how you have no idea what your limits are until you surpass them. Now I am wondering how in the world I will be able to run for 30 minutes if I barely made 10 minutes. I am gonna stick with the program and trust that in the end I will be able to do it. I will let you all know when that happens cause the 8 week program is already gonna take me 9 since I repeat week 3.
I wanted to share this with you because we have talked about positive self talk a time or two and this has been very helpful to me. I always thought that I needed someone else to cheer me on with challenges such as these but I am learning that I DO have it within myself to cheer myself on and if I fail or quit it is all on me. During in my life I have taken pride it trying not to let anyone down that is except for myself. I would like to say that this is all me but the truth is as I have allowed the Spirit to grow me I believe it has also allowed me to grow in other areas.

Well ladies I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Those of you coming tonight to the Canvas Painting, I am looking forward to spending some fun time with you all!! Be Safe!
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