Everyone is talking about it, fighting about, feeling pain about it, and some even rejoicing about it, so I figured I would talk about it too.
What a terribly tragic incident that happened in Orlando over the weekend. It does not matter what the motivation behind this was, loss of life by the hands of anyone is never a good thing. It should not even matter where, what, when or why. Bottom line is human beings were killed. My heart breaks for the families and friends of those killed and injured. I know it can be easy to not feel affected by this when it was not in our town and it was not someone that we knew personally. Regardless of how one might feel about that life style, we are called to love and with love comes a sadness when something like this takes place.

For some of us these types of events are not surprising, sad but not surprising. I believe, as many of you may as well, that we will see more and more of these types of incidents and perhaps even worse as our world continues to push the much needed spiritual component out of our nation. We call this the United States of America, but the only thing that unites most of these states is the borders around them. It has been a long time since we have felt the bonds of being a united nation and I am sure that you, along with myself, can hypothesize to all the reason why, but ultimately when you start to chip away, little by little, over hundreds of years, the foundation on which this country was built, what could possibly sustain the structure of our nation? Without the spiritual accountability, moral decay is inevitable, and I am not talking about sexual orientation I am talking about everything that creates moral decay. The character of this country is fractured, with no thoughts to repair or rebuild what was once considered one of the greatest nation in the world. I love America, I love what I believe America stands for, I believe in the foundation on which our founding fathers established this great nation, but that America is fading quickly and soon I fear will be but another chapter in a book covered in our school systems.
Well I have ranted enough for one day but I urge you to always be in prayer for our country and its leaders, and please pray for the families of those who lost a loved one this weekend.
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