As women today, we live in such a great time in history. We have more freedoms and opportunities that women in the past did not. As a result, we also wear more "hats" than ever before, too - employee/employer, mother, companion, chef, housekeeper, taxi cab driver, the list goes on and on. Sadly we can get so wrapped up in all this that we don't stop to take time to care for ourselves.
If you have ever flown on an airplane you may recall that as the attendant goes through her spill about safety one thing she talks about are the oxygen masks. Interesting enough she instructs the adults to put their oxygen masks on first and then assist the children. As a mother we would automatically do just the opposite. The safety and care for our children is such a priority in our lives that we tend to care for their needs first and if we have the time and energy, ourselves last. I guess some of us think that by doing that this makes us a great mom. What happens is that we end up running on empty most of the time and what we see as 'loving sacrifices' are stressing us OUT!
A hundred years ago the main cause of illness what infection. Today the main cause of illness is STRESS. Stress can and will reek havoc on your body causing all kinds of health issues physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Constantly being on the go was not the plan that God has for us even He created a day of rest!
If your like me, you probably have some sort of "to do list" each day. Run kids to soccer, grocery shop, finish a project, work. You rush here and there taking care of all things that matter most; family, jobs, friends, church....and everyone and everything makes it on that list except the one person who is working that list - YOU!
I have to admit that when I do take time for myself I often feel guilty but how effective can I be taking care of everything and everyone if I am not taking care of me? Even a car runs great as long as you maintain it and keep gas in it, but if you don't, that thing that you so depend on to assist you in all you do for others will eventually break down or run out of gas. The same is true for you and I.
We are all different and have different needs and it is important to put ourselves on our list of things to do. Rather its taking time to sit quietly and read, engage in our favorite past time, take a bubble bath, exercise, whatever it is that gives you time to recharge.
This concept can be difficult for Christians because we are taught to be self-less, but let's be honest most moms are the least selfish people in the world, we are always giving of ourselves to others in some form or fashion, from the time we wake up till the time we lay our heads on our pillows, our minds are in constant overdrive of what needs to be done and who it needs to be done for.

So ladies pencil your selves in on those "to do" lists so that you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit to accomplish them, without the stress that running on empty can cause. Spend sometime this weekend thinking about your personal needs and how and what you need to do to have those met, at least the ones that are within your power.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much Tammy! As always, right "on time" message for me! Just yesterday, I was telling Ron how troubled I feel between choosing to see my infant awake or going to the gym and trying to find the time and way to fit it all in. I was in tears because I didn't like my options. I was just telling Ron, I either have to use leave at work, miss out on Miles' awake time or skip the gym on any given day. Still praying for guidance in trying to fit in my most important priorities! Thanks so much for your diligence in putting out such positive messages! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI think most of us moms struggle with this Jen and I think it can be even more challenging with you have a small one at home. I will pray that God will help you find a way to do both! Love ya too!