If you have known me for any extended period of time you know I LOVE Christmas. I love the music, the lights, the smells, how much nicer people seem to be in general, and I love giving and receiving Christmas cards, hint hint! It seems like sending Christmas cards are becoming a thing of the past, and that makes me a little sad. I know not everyone is going to love sending Christmas cards but if someone has taken the time to sit down and include you in the list of people to remember for Christmas, and you might be one of those people, maybe you might consider, at the very least, having some cards on hand just so that you can return the thoughtfulness and send them a card in thanks for them thinking of you?
For many sending Christmas Cards is not just a tradition, it is an opportunity. For example. Each year, weeks before sending out cards, I window shop for a while before choosing or settling for the card I will send out that year. I think I have only sent out photo cards once or twice, typically I send out the traditional cards, put I love it with I get the photo cards. Once the card has been chosen I grab a cup of holiday cheer, cider, pumpkin spice, or Christmas Cocoa, put on some Christmas music and begin. Sounds pretty normal right? Well as we all know I am not normal. As I go down my list and write out each address, one by one, I also start to pray for that person and their families. I pray for stronger marriages and Godly children. For daily provision and unexpected blessings. For loving conversations and renewed appreciation. For restored health and increased faith. For grace and mercy and love to abound in their lives. Each time I whisper a prayer, I am reminded of how blessed I am and how grateful to God I am for placing these special people in my life. Truth is sometimes it may take more than just one set down, but it is important to me to give more than just a card to those I hold dear enough to even consider sending a card to.
I tell you this, not to make anyone feel bad about not sending me a card in return, but to remind you that for most people who do send out cards, rather it is holiday or birthday or something in between, it is never just a card, but a symbol of a much greater thing, that YOU are loved and thought of.
If you have not yet read the "Five Love Languages" I highly recommend the read. So many relationships struggle because we fail to love someone in the way they need to be loved. People who send out cards, year after year, regardless of how many return one, are usually some of the most thoughtful and caring people you know. They are also some of the most forgiving and in many cases also feel unloved sometimes. Why? We tend to love people the way we want to be loved, and yes something that may seem silly to you, like sending a card in return, can be quite meaningful to someone else. There is that saying , 'to know me is to love me' but it should be 'to love me is to know me'.
Just some thoughts :)
PS My mailing address is: 23838 NW 176th Ave, High Springs FL 32643. LOVE YA!!!!!!
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