Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I have not blogged much lately and truth be told, my emotions have been a little high due to the presidential race. I do not recall a time when I have seen more ugliness between two candidates or "we the people". I have read comments from family and friends, christian and non-christian, that I find embarassing as an American and a christian. The moral and spiritual decay of this country is growing at alarming rates and I fear it will only continue in that direction.

I am not overly thrilled about either candidate but it is evident that one of them will become our Commander and Chief. I have never felt so unsettled about my decision of whom to vote for then I do right now.

I am not a worrier but I have great concerns about the state of this country under the leadership of either of these candidates. Even though I realize that there is not one man or woman who truly runs this nation alone, the influences they have in that postion can certainly be weighed in their favor.

I have been questioned this week, several times, regarding my views as a christian regarding this or that, I even had someone ask me to pray for them and others who are passionate about this county as they are. My response was that I pray for this country and all "we the people" because I believe the one thing that damages this country, above all else, is the division between us.

It is obvious that we, as a country, have steppped out from under the unbrella of God's authority, and have not yet figured out, that as long as we continue to stay out from under it, we will not see or experience the wisdom and leadership we so desperately need as a nation.

As an American, I find this presidential race to be appaulling and with the way that we behave,  no other country can cripple us more than we are crippling ourselves, we are our own worst enemy.

The election is only a few short weeks away, prayerfully seek God's guidance with me that we not vote our conscience but rather we vote underneath the unbrella of God's authority, not our passions or emotion regarding this or that, but based on biblical foundations that once was the foundation of this nation - God.

I hope you are all well.

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