Hello my Friends!

During the time of Jesus, the temple remained of vital
importance to the Jewish people. This is
the place where their sins were acknowledged and dealt with and where God
revealed His presence to His people in a unique way. Imagine how shocked it must
have been for them when Jesus declared, “Destroy this temple, and in three days
I will raise it up” (John 2:19). Jesus was obviously very creative but
unfortunately the Jewish people did not realize the temple Jesus spoke of was
Although it did not seem like good news then, this would
change everything, and we all know how unsettling change can be. For the Jewish
people, all that they had come to know about connecting with God, passed down
from generation to generation, would now be irrelevant. No longer a need to go
to the temple, no animal sacrifices or Levitical priests. In one single conversation,
the place of worship was relocated. God
wanted more from His people then just time at the temple. God wanted
worshippers who would worship Him in “spirit and truth” by means of Jesus, who
is not confined to a specific place and time. We are all aware of those “come
to Jesus” moments we have when we take time out of our busy lives to designate
time to go to church and turn our focus to God. It feels so good and we wish
that we could always feel that way, and because of Jesus we can, if we would
only turn our focus to Him throughout the day, every day.

The point I want to make is that Jesus, our connection to
the Father, is not confined to the four walls of our churches, He is in us, all
around us, always present, no sick days, vacations, holiday leave, etc., He is
where and whenever we are regardless if we choose to acknowledge him.
I use to joke about caring around a little Jesus. Why? So
that I would never be tempted to be so involved with living this temporary life, that the
life He gave seemed insignificant. I owe all that I am and every hope to be to
Jesus, and He deserves to be acknowledged in every moment of my life, good, bad
and ugly. That is worship.
Arise worshippers, God wants to spend more time with you!
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