Saturday, November 5, 2016

I will vote for...............

In realizing the lasting impact this topic can have I do so reluctantly as an individual but obediently as a child of God because one of you is struggling with this election, as I have, both as a woman and as a Christian.

One thing I have come to learn and accept is that no two people agree on everything no matter what the subject is because our individual life experiences impact us in different ways.

You are all intelligent women and realize that this election is more significant than which candidate we choose to vote for, because although they may be the president for 4 to 8 years, the supreme justices will impact the long term effects for the next 40 years. That is what I believe this election should be about.

As you know, I am not a fan of either candidate but as an American who believes in the vision and foundation this nation was built on and my own personal beliefs as a Christian and a woman, a vote for Hillary would compromise much that I believe in , as would those to whom she would chose for the supreme court.

Trump, well he is like that kid you don't much care for but you really like his parents so you tolerate him. I believe, in having spent much time praying, that Trump genuinely want what is best for the country, and one thing that we are overlooking, with all the dirt and dirt bag behaviors we have seen is that this candidate has consecutively, throughout this race, sought Godly council. Ask yourself "what has he really done that was worse than the murdering and adulterous acts of tha man after God's own heart". The man you and I have come to love and admire through the stories we have read? The man that ruled a nation? David was no angel.

Trump aside we need what he brings to the table. I do believe that the America we know today will be a very different America in the Clinton administration. When a tag line such as "one world government" is associated with a candidate the jerk knee reaction should throw us to our needs and seek Godly council ourselves.

I appreciate your respect of my views, as I will respect yours, and remember no vote is still a vote and voting for anyone other than someone who can actually win is just silly. Happy voting and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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