In 1964, reflecting on the events surrounding John F. Kennedy’s recent assassination, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, “God’s Word teaches us to have respect for authority. There can be no power, except as God allows. The Bible does not teach that this world’s governments are righteous, or representing God. But, so long as God allows them to wield an authority He established—even though they wield it contrary to His laws—to disrespect the government is to disrespect God.”
Well tomorrow is the big day and whatever the outcome of the election one thing remains, God is still and will always be on the throne and in control. It is sad to see how many relationships were put to the test over this election, but if someone unfriended me because my views are different from theirs, then so be it. I will not deny my faith or shy away from what I believe for the sake of man, any man, and I will respect anyone who does the same even if it is different from my own.

Please don't let this election weigh you down, go vote based on what you believe is the best choice, and if you lose some friends based on that, then honey they are not really your friends and have probably done you a favor. May the peace of God be with you and His blessings on our country.
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