My heart and mind have been heavy over the events that took place last week along with the on-going uproar surrounding it. As a woman, daughter, sister, wife and mother my feelings sway back and forth between heart break and anger. As a christian..... the same. I have no desire to attempt to plead a case for either side, knowing that I do not truly, nor will I ever know fully all the information regarding these events. I only know how broken I feel.
Those of us who have made the decision to follow Christ are compelled to view all things through the filters of love, grace and mercy and in difficult times like these it is not only the safest place for us to take a stand but the best way for us to allow God to step in. Ultimately our "opinions" are irrelevant and can only create more division in a country that needs more than anything, healing.
As I try to imagine how Jesus could feel about current events, I just keep hearing the line from Hillsong United, that says "break my heart for what breaks Yours" followed up with the verse that Pastor Mike shared this weekend regarding current events. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - "If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land".
I have often times considered that all the crazy things going on in this world are just a sign of the times, things that are inevitable, but as I sat in service on Sunday it occurred to me that although we don't have the power to make the necessary changes, we do have the power to life up our voices together to the One who does.
Differences can and do create conflict and religion is no exception. I believe it has hurt the true mission of the gospel. It's not about the rules, or the religious doctrines created by the many different churches around the world. It does not matter if you are Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, or whatever denomination you identify with, if you are a Christian then we all have the same desire - to be like Christ. Does anything else really matter?
I would like to encourage everyone to pray for healing in our land. Pray for a supernatural outpouring of love, grace and mercy so widespread that it can ONLY be accredited to God.
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