Friday, July 29, 2016


Well glory be it's Friday! Or, as my friend Renee posted on Facebook this morning P.G.I.F. (praise God it's Friday)!!

Yesterday I went to visit my sister, Angie, after her surgery and she is doing really well. She was a little loopie coming off the morphine and anesthesia, which was a wee bit entertaining, but by the end of night, she was clear headed and determined to do whatever it takes to get out of that hospital bed and into her own by Sunday night. I believe she will succeed, she can be really stubborn sometimes, and it's always good when some of our, not so wonderful traits, can yield positive results. This has been a life altering event and I hope that she will continue channeling that stubbornness in the direction of improving in the areas that will decrease the chances of this event reoccurring. Thank you all for your thoughts, encouragement and prayers!

My Allie returns tonight, however I will not see her until Sunday cause I am headed to Alabama to pick Nick up and to celebrate my nephew Derrick's birthday! My nephews, Mike and Derrick, have been such an inspiration to me through the years. I can't guarantee that they are fully aware of how they have allowed God to shine through them in the midst of their frailties, but they have allowed God to be their strength and have inspired so many people through their courage and their ability to not let this disease steal their joy. They have truly made the best life they could with the hand that was dealt to them and have done so beautifully. Derrick will have surgery on Monday to have a trach put in place, cause he no longer has the strength to breath and eat like he needs to, and therefore has further suppressed his immune system making putting him under for this surgery even more fragile than Duchene's Muscular Dystrophy already has.  Please remember him in your prayers.

In trying times it would be easy to just let the weight of it all bring you down into a deep dark place, but I am so thankful that God always finds a way to sustain us. Rather it's through the living testimonies of others or a subtle whisper in the ear, God always gives us life lines along the way, at the moments He knows we need it the most. Life can be a painful process, and as much as we enjoy happier times, without those dark place moments I don't think we could fully appreciate the joys in life. Growth, strength and beauty are not developed in our happy times, happy times are the results of everything it took to get you through whatever storm or dark places you've had or will have to journey through. Better awaits us all.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Breathe a little......

Ya know those moments when you are surrounded by people and sounds and yet not hear a thing? You are so focused on something internally that everything else fades into the background. That is where I have been the last few days. My thoughts and prayers have kept me occupied and slightly holding my breathe wondering if my requested outcome would  be in line with God's plan for my sister. Thankfully it was and now I feel like I can breathe a little.

I know it may seem a little strange that I have felt this way but I have come to believe that I can pray whatever I want to pray as long as I realize that sometimes the answer will be no.  I have watched countless numbers of people get angry with God not because He did not answer their prayers but because He did not answer them the way they wanted Him to. Some have left the faith and some have remained and some have stayed but have held on to the bitterness of that unanswered prayer unable to grow in their relationship with God. What an interesting thought though to think that someone would need to forgive God for not giving them what they asked for,  failing to realize that the real forgiveness is needed from God for not giving Him what He asked for - our faith and trust in Him.

No matter what my request may be I have made it a habit to include "Thy will be done". I know that I can ask the Father for anything, but I realize that because He holds my tomorrows and yours, He is the only one who can truly make the best informed decision about anything and everything. As a christian I  have to be willing to accept and trust those decisions regardless of how painful it might be. This is not easy, but that is the deal. I was created for Him not He for me. I made the decision to seek Him first, to Trust in all His ways, "not my will but Thine be done" and all that jazz. I want to be found faithful even when His decisions break my heart, or make me mad or disappointed.

It is amazing to me how being a parent has helped me to better understand my relationship with God. Many times we make decisions for our children that they are not happy with, or think is unfair, but we do them because we love them and want what is best for them, we know the potential outcomes because we have been there before and we want better for our children and if that means we disappoint them along the way then that is what we do. God does the same for us and one day we, just as our children, will look back and realize that it was the best decision.

Thank you all for your prayers for my sister I know that she appreciates them all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Early bird......

Up early this morning and feeling encouraged as I greet this day with thanks knowing that my God is faithful and true!

Good morning my friends, or afternoon or evening, depending on when you read this.

There is alot going on right now but I am not going to worry because I know that things will work out as the should, according to God's will, I may not even agree with it, it may not be what I have prayed, but as a christian I have to lean on the promises of His word and trust that He will always do what is best in every situation in and out of my control.
So for right now I will be still and trust.

Well I am headed out the door to walk Bear before my refreshing walk with Heather this morning, which I always enjoy. Afterwards I will drop off Allie's bug, to see what is wrong with the AC, I will go home and  do some work, clean my house, and make a full day of productiveness!

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


It's only Tuesday and I have much to share.

Monday Angie returned to the doctors office where she was told that the tumor is Adenocarcinoma of the cecum part of the colon, where the small and large intestines join together. They believe she is stage 2 or 3 but won't be certain until the surgery. Without delay the surgery has been scheduled for this Thursday at 8 am, once the surgery has been performed we will have a better understanding of which stage and what happens next. Angie has been advised to encourage her siblings and their childrn to be tested since several of these types are hereditary. Please continue to keep Angie in your prayers.

Allie returns home on Friday Night from her Costa Rica Mission trip. So far I believe it has been a wonderful experience and I can't wait to hear all about it. Safe travels for her and the redt of the teens and parents who joined with New Oak Grove Baptist for this mission trip.

Saturday we leave to go back to Alabama to pick up Nick, who stayed this week to spend some quality time with my nephews. We are also going to celebrate Derrick's birthday. Sunday Derrick will be admitted to the hospital to be prepared for a tracheoscomy. This is where they cut a hole in his esophagus and place a tube for a  ventilator and feeding tube. This is a very fragile surgery since Derrick has not been doing well, and putting him under for the surgery is risky in itself. There is no specific time frame as to how long he will be in the hospital, that will be determined folowing the surgery. Getting a "trach" will also mean alot of cleaning and sterilizing the trach insertion to prevent infections. Please keep Derrick in your prayers.

With all that I have already mentioned Larry still not having a job seems so trivial in comparison.

Well thats it for now. Thank you all for your continued prayers and thoughtful words during these trying times for our family, they are much appreciated.

Friday, July 22, 2016


Hello Friends.

It has been a very busy and draining week, and I am beginning to feel the weight of it all. In addition to all the changes with my position at work,  Larry still has not found a job, my nephew Derrick has not been doing well, I am concerned about  my sister's biopsy results of  Adenocarcinoma of the Cecum (insert sad tearful emoji) please continue praying for her.  In addition to those already overwhelming life events I  also helped Allie get ready for the Costa Rica mission trip, and  struggling with one of those horrible summer colds that make you sound like a donkey when you cough, and do you know how hard it is to cough and NOT pee! To top it all off, I can't forget to mention the terribly failed attempt at an awesome new hair-do, your know what I mean, you keep trying to get it even on both sides and all you really end up doing is cutting too much hair, quite a bit shorter than originally planned. Needless to say I am considering the idea of making baseball caps more of a permanent accessory for a while. On the up-side, and there is ALWAYS an up-side, I am looking forward to the strengthening that should follow all these challenges since it has not yet killed me!

It's not all bad.  I have so thoroughly enjoyed reuniting with my friend Heather on our morning walks.  Heather has one of the sweetest and most beautiful spirits and when we get together to walk and talk its more like a mini vacation, several times a week. Don't get me wrong, we work up so much sweat, that between the two of us, could eliminate the rain deficits in the area. We normally spend about an hour walking and talking, and I always leaving feeling physically refreshed, despite the burning sensation in my eyes from all that sweat! Thankfully  I also leave feeling emotionally, mentally and spiritually refreshed. I love, love, love having friends that invest time getting to know me and me them, who speak into my life words of encouragement and never fail to offer grace and mercy. I have been truly blessed with some great friends.

I have been doing A LOT of exercising over the last 8 weeks and I have learned that as the age number goes up the ability to lose weight as I once did (many moons ago) goes down. I have no one to blame but myself. The interesting thing is how wonderful you feel when you eat better and engage in purposeful physical activity each day but then stop. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I know many of us are guilty of this cycle of self-defeating behaviors and there may even be "legitimate" excuses as to why we keep riding that roller coaster. Perhaps we are just insane, doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting different results each time. Or maybe we suck with time management, or constantly place ourselves on the back burners of life for one reason or another, more like for one person or another or many in some of our cases. With all the "....lives matter" I wonder how many of us recognize that about ourselves? I don't want this to be one of the times that I put in all this work, only to find myself back in the same spot 6 months from now. I hope this time will be different.

Anyway, its 6:47 pm, on a Friday afternoon and I am not sure I will make it to 8, so I am gonna take a shower, put on some of my comfort clothes, curl up on the couch and probably fall to sleep. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and may you always be able to find the up-side of life!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I am struggling to sleep tonight. Could be the coffee I drank around 5pm but more likely that my thoughts are occupied on my sister Angie.
There is nothing more troubling than the unknown and yet sometimes the unknown seems far better than the feared possibilities of the could be. What a terrifying place to be of wanting a resolution but feeling it is better not to know.
How my heart goes out to so many who are crippled with fear thinking that not knowing somehow makes it not real. However, in many cases, the earlier you know the better your chances can be for a more positive outcome.
I lay awake with prayers of healing, prayers that the medical team will, once and for all, discover what is causing the issues my sister has been dealing with for so long now, issues that have restricted her normal day to day living. "Thy will be done" is uttered reluctantly knowing His will does not always mirrow our own will in any given situation,  regardless of His ability to miraculously step in and be the great Physician and Healer.
I know that in times like these even the greatest amount of faith can be shaken as we question why God chooses to heal this person but not another. However it is in times like these that our faith must be greater and we must trust , despite our current state of emotions, that His plan, good or bad, is and always will be the best plan because only He knows what our tomorrows hold.
I pray, whatever His will is in my sisters situation that He will cover her with peace and cradle her closely in His arms, that His presence will be so over- whelmingly felt in that hospital that nothing can shake her faith or trust in Him and even more so make it greater.  I pray that this experience wells up such desire in her to draw much closer to Him that the effects of His love spreads like a virus through her to everyone who comes in contact with her.
God is good even when life doesn't work out the way we want it to, but it's not our lives to plan but ours to live out His plan.
Thank you all for your prayers.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

An Imperfect Christian.......

What a corny title, isn’t it? And yet it is one of the truest phrases I can use to describe myself – an imperfect Christian.

On the one hand, Christians ought to seek perfection. Jesus said; “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” On the other hand, with my upbringing I have learned that we are all sinners, Proverbs says; “the just man sins seven times a day,” and the need for forgiveness and reconciliation, were and is always emphasized. I suppose I was lucky in that respect; my upbringing kept me from thinking that I am “holy enough.” The word “holy” is said with either a lot of apprehension or a lot of contempt in everyday conversation. It’s a word many Christians would rather keep in-group, almost as much as that other word. You know the one – sin.

What is sin? I could make a list but ultimately sin is anything that separates us from God. When we know to do right, tell the truth, follow the Ten Commandments, put God first and choose to do the opposite, lie, cheat, break and make anything other than God a priority in our lives, we sin.  Sin comes in many shapes and sizes; it’s active, it’s passive, it’s overt, it’s covert, and ever present at the intersection of all the choices we make.

Believers and non-believers alike think that if someone is a Christian then they are not drawn to sin, or that they cannot sin. Becoming a Christian does not make us any less vulnerable to sin, matter of fact, it makes us more vulnerable. Being a Christian is as difficult as trying to be someone you are not. I was born a sinner, not a Christian, which one comes more naturally?

When an alcoholic decides that they are not going to drink anymore, it does not change the fact that they are an alcoholic, it only means that they have chosen to take the necessary steps to turn away from that life style. The desire to drink remains no matter how much time passes.  The same is true of the sinner who decides to turn away from the sinful nature. In either case there will be set backs, you will fall from time to time, but in the journey changes will take hold and then one day you look back and realize that the victory is not in the win but in never giving up the fight.  

If you are not a Christian, I want to apologize to you if either I or another fellow Christian has given you the impression that we think we are better in some way, rather with our words or actions, because we are NOT! Just like you we struggle daily, and sometimes we fail miserably and do anything but reflect the love of God. Forgive us for being a poor representative of what being a Christian should be – like Christ.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

All I Ever have to be……

Many times we get so caught up in the roles of this life that we lose sight of our starting role. The lyrics below remind me that God expects nothing more of me but to be who He created me to be.  

All I Ever have to Be (Amy Grant)

When the weight of all my dreams
Is resting heavy on my head
And the thoughtful words of help and hope
Have all been nicely said
But I'm still hurting, wondering if I'll ever be the one
I think I am - I think I am
Then you gently re-remind me
That You've made me from the first
And the more I try to be the best
The more I get the worst
And I realize the good in me is only there because of who You are
Who You are...
And all I ever have to be is what You've made me
Any more or less would be a step out of Your plan
As you daily recreate me help me always keep in mind
That I only have to do what I can find
And all I ever have to be
All I have to be
All I ever have to be is what You've made me

I find myself in a place sometimes, that I am failing in areas of my life. Rather it is my role as a wife or mother sometimes I just don’t feel that I am measuring up. Many times we put so much effort it trying to be the best at this or that, that somewhere along the way we lose sight of who we really are.

Above all roles that are played in my life, first and foremost I am not just a woman, but I am beautifully and wonderfully made and loved by a Father that knows me inside and out, the good and bad, the strengths and the weaknesses,  the beautiful and the ugly and loves me still.

God created me for a purpose, and although that purpose may include wife and mother, He first just made me to be me. In many failed attempts of being a good wife and good mom, there have been many times I have tried to do so outside the fabric of who I am and though there have been some successes the ones that really mattered and made a lasting impression are in the moments that I stayed true to me.

Truth be told I am one of those people who truly enjoys being me, despite my many weaknesses and failures, because at my core the best parts of being me have been masterfully molded by a loving Father that knows exactly where to apply the necessary pressure to shape me just so to fit rightly in His plan for my life.

In my heart I know that God has given me the necessary tools to live out His plan for my life, but in my mind, doubts and pride can seep in and whisper words or discouragement, or events and situations can make me feel like somewhere along the way I have failed, forgetting that I can only do that which is in MY power to do and trust that God will fill in the gaps along the way. I cannot be a male role model in the lives of my children, especially my son’s.  I cannot give what is not mine to give. I cannot make up for lost times, or missed opportunities that have nothing to do with me. I can only be what God has made me to be and if that is enough for Him, it’s enough. Perhaps those places, that I feel lacking in, is nothing more than a perfectly designed opportunity to allow God to just be God.

Psalm 25:4-5  (NIV)
Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Recent events.......

My heart and mind have been heavy over the events that took place last week along with the on-going uproar surrounding it. As a woman, daughter, sister, wife and mother my feelings sway back and forth between heart break and anger. As a christian..... the same. I have no desire to attempt to plead a case for either side, knowing that I do not truly, nor will I ever know fully all the information regarding these events. I only know how broken I feel.

Those of us who have made the decision to follow Christ are compelled to view all things through the filters of love, grace and mercy and in difficult times like these it is not only the safest place for us to take a stand but the best way for us to allow God to step in. Ultimately our "opinions" are irrelevant and can only create more division in a country that needs more than anything, healing. 

As I try to imagine how Jesus could feel about current events, I just keep hearing the line from Hillsong United, that says "break my heart for what breaks Yours" followed up with the verse that Pastor Mike shared this weekend regarding current events. 2 Chronicles 7:14 -  "If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land". 

I have often times considered that all the crazy things  going on in this world are just a sign of the times, things that are inevitable, but as I sat in service on Sunday it occurred to me that although we don't have the power to make the necessary changes, we do have the power to life up our voices together to the One who does. 

Differences can and do create conflict and religion is no exception. I believe it has hurt the true mission of the gospel. It's not about the rules, or the religious doctrines created by the many different churches around the world. It does not matter if you are Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, or whatever denomination you identify with, if you are a Christian then we all have the same desire - to be like Christ.  Does anything else really matter?

I would like to encourage everyone to pray for healing in our land. Pray for a supernatural outpouring of love, grace and mercy so widespread that it can ONLY be accredited to God.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Dark Places

Do you ever have little places of discouragement that entangle around your heart? You know in the bigger picture of life things are good, but sometimes there are these little dark places that sometimes doesn’t feel so little? There are these dark cloud hovering over you just enough to block the sun and cast a shadow, a black hole of sorts.

Maybe it’s an argument you and your husband have had one too many times. Your relationship is good but this one topic keeps rearing its ugly head.

 Or maybe there is an issue with one of your children, both or all, depending on how many you have. You have these amazing kids but they have certain behaviors that just blow your mind because you KNOW you taught them better, and you find yourself embarrassed and maybe even  having some doubts regarding  your parenting abilities. 

Or perhaps there is a reoccurring frustration with a friend. She’s amazing, but there’s this one part of your friendship that darkens the collective good, and you can’t figure out how to address it but it’s happening with more frequency and you feel powerless for fear of fracturing that dear friendship it any way.

I know. It’s hard.

God wants to remind us today … a black hole isn’t a black WHOLE.

The whole isn’t all bad. Yes, there are some issues to address and some tensions to manage but we can’t let anything, rather it’s ourselves, or the devil, use this frustration to darken our outlook.

Jesus reminds us,
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

I want to encourage you to have a little sit down with Jesus and ask Him to shed His light on your situation today. Look at this from Jesus’ perspective, use truth to do something positive in that area today. Take some time to make a little imperfect progress right there in that dark place and let Him shed a little light on the matter.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kindness and other stuff.....

Yesterday I was the recipient of a pay it forward blessing, the car ahead of me paid for my coffee! I know what it feels like to do this for someone else but this was the first time I was on the receiving end and it felt almost as good as when I had done it for others. I remember thinking that it was not about the money but rather the feeling one gets when a stranger chooses you to display a random act of kindness to. I don't know why but it seemed like that cup of coffee was somehow so much better because it had a twist of kindness in it.

As the day went on, in trying to get prepared for the in-laws visit, I am almost certain that random act of kindness carried me through my day. I felt content all day, and it was a good thing because my mother-in-law was in her normal critical unpleasant state. I think I have told you all before, I do not do well with complaining critical
people, but yesterday patience and gentleness were my friends and her's too, she just didn't know it!

I know I am not in the minority in saying that I don't care much for my in-laws, my mother-in-law specifically, but we only have to see them a few times a year so I have learned to quietly tell myself, "it will all be over soon". I hate to be that way but after 16 years of extending the olive branch my arm is quite heavy, and perhaps I have built up more tolerance having lived with my husband for this long as they are very much alike. This is why God created me with a  double helping of a joyful disposition, He KNEW I would need it!

I get along with most people, and I think most people find me to be a fairly pleasant, but my in-laws are a different breed of people. Now if I was a highly successful business woman or held some prestigious title that would change everything. I am so thankful that my worth is not found in them, or anyone else for that matter. I am the daughter of the King of Kings, being daily molded to be more and more like my Father who is currently making preparations for me in His kingdom. If we could all see one another through the loving eyes of our Father imagine what this world would be like.

It's difficult to remember, as we engage with different people in our daily lives, to treat them as Christ would. Heck I have a hard time doing that with some of my family members. Our human nature can be so over powering sometimes, especially when our emotions get high, then it is like a dam just broke and all kinds of ugliness comes rushing out and that is never a good thing. Rather what you say or said is true anything without the filter of grace and mercy is selfish and destructive. It reminds me of that sign you see in schools that says Before you Speak - Think, but most people stop at the first one : It is true? and forget the rest - Is it Helpful, Is it Inspiring, Is it Necessary, Is it Kind?  If it is not all of the above, I am pretty sure you are suppose to keep it to yourself!

Life is a continuous cycle of daily lessons to learn,  intended to make us better and stronger people, and I am so glad that I don't have to do any of it alone and that kindness is found in some of the least expected places. Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


As I sat in service on Sunday morning,  Pastor Beacher shared the last Fruit of the Spirit series- self-control, my mind wondered. I don't remember if it was something that he said or something that perhaps was whispered in my ear and that was this: As the Spirit develops each fruit in our lives, one fruit makes way for the next? In other words, as the Spirit of love is developed in my life, joy comes easier and the more love and joy I have the more peace I have making it much easier to be kind to and have patient with others showing gentleness and goodness and so forth and so forth. Eureka! This IS the transformation. I do not believe it was an accident, the order in which these fruit are listed, but divine inspiration to the writer, in this case Paul.

When I sit back and think about the structure, it makes sense. That is not to say that we can't try to display or practice these attributes ourselves, cause I have no doubt that some of us have tried. Truth is we already have some of these attributes, some of us our just born with an abundance of love, or a gentle spirit, or joyful nature, but these are human attributes not spiritual ones.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses and the people closes to us know what those are, but it is in this truth that people know a transformation has taken place, because as His Spirit grows in us, and we began to display these attributes, it is no longer our nature they know and see.

I have to admit, of all the nine Fruit of the Spirit, self-control is not my strong suit. Sometimes I don't control my thoughts, my words, my anger. or I let my pride get in the way and really mess up! There is and will always be a battle going on in each of us, the angel/devil on my shoulder scenario. Though we tend to laugh and joke about "the devil made me do it" chances are he didn't have anything to do with it, but rather our sinful nature pulling us between our fallen nature and spiritual nature His Spirit is trying to develop in us. Because we are born into sin, that is what we are drawn to, it is our human nature and because of this our biggest enemy is not the devil but our inner selves. Self-control almost seems unnatural in certain cases, just because you speak the truth about something doesn't mean that you ignore all the other things, like being insensitive to the feelings of others (gentleness). Self-control says I can but should I?

Well I am and forever will be a work in progress still singing that childhood song "He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to loving and patient He must be, He's still working on me".

Have a great week everyone!