During my devotions this morning, as I was reading about Paul's thorns, and as I read, I felt impressed in my spirit to write about someone, who's thorns, like Paul's, have never been removed. Many wonder why Paul's "thorn in his side" was never revealed, but I have come to believe that was a spiritually a strategic move by God. Truth is, we all have thorns in our lives. It can be an addiction, affliction, personal pain, hidden secrets. The list goes on. Paul's thorn, was never the point. The point is that regardless of the thorns, if we place our faith and trust in God that His grace it enough.

I love that if we look with our spiritual eyes that we can see God in everything.
By the grace and direction of the Holy Spirit, I am going to step out in faith, and write a book, because that is what I feel God is calling me to do. You all have been reading my blog for sometime now, and I don't know if I am a good writer or not, but I know that God is enough and will provide all that I need to carry our this calling. When God gives you a title, a story and reveals just how it will happen, what else can I do but step out in faith?
Because you are my friends, I will share with you, what I believe God is sharing with me. Many of you know or have heard me talk about my nephews, Mike and Derrick, and my sister Joanie. I cannot tell you how much God has used them during their lives. They have not just touch my life, in ways too many to mention, I know that God has used them to touch many lives. As I step out in faith, knowing that God is the author and finisher of my faith, I started a "You Caring" account called "The Beauty of Thorns Project" (link below). I have no idea yet how much time will be involved in this, or how much travel or money this will take, but I do know that I have to follow the direction I believe that God is calling me in to write this story and believe that He is already working on my behalf as to how this will get published. It is not my desire to become some famous writer, it is only my desire to be obedient. I don't even believe this is for me, but rather a legacy of faith in the face of all the un-removed thorns in the lives of those who believe that God's grace is enough.

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