I would like to say I am back on top, but I suspect this will be a journey, not a quick trip. The weight of living can get overwhelming, and sometimes we don't realize how much it is weighing us down until the load is so heavy that we can't get out from under it alone and need help. Truth is I have trouble recognizing, not just that I need help, but that it is okay to ask for help.

"Imagine a little girl running with a cup in her hand sloshing out all it contains. She thinks what will refill her is just ahead. Just a little farther. She presses on with sheer determination and clenched teeth and an empty cup clutched tight. She keeps running toward an agenda He never set and one that will never satisfy. She sees Him and holds her cup. But she catches only a few drops as she runs by Him, because she didn't stop long enough to be filled up. Empty can't be tempered with mere drops. The tragic truth is what will fill her-what will fill us- isn't the accomplishment or the next relationship ahead. That shiny thing is actually a vacuum that sucks us in and sucks us dry....but never had the ability to refill. I should know because that is where I was. There's no kind of empty quite like this empty: where your hands are full but inside you're nothing but and exhausted shell."
Simply put, this is where I am, and perhaps many of you too. I spend so much time in service to God, that I don't spend enough time just being with God. Lysa went on to say;
"Since my fast-paced chase had gotten me into this mess, I knew it would take slow moments to get me out of it. I needed to reconnect with the One who knows how to breathe life and love back into depleted and dead places. Jesus doesn't participate in the rat race. He's into the slower rhythms of life, like abiding, delighting, and dwelling - all work that require us to trust Him with our place and pace."

SLOW DOWN! STOP! ABIDE! DELIGHT! DWELL! I am not talking about down time. I am talking about knee time. Our cups will never get filled in down time, we may fill refreshed, but is a temporary feeling what we need? I need more.

Have a good week everyone.
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