Did you know that some version of the word 'pray' is mentioned over 656 times in the King James, but the word 'Pray' is mentioned 508 times just by itself. Prayer doesn't come naturally and some feel uncomfortable praying, alone or with others. The disciples came to realize the importance of prayer as they witnessed how often Jesus prayed, so they asked him, "Teach us to Pray". (Matthew 6:5-15) Prayer is meant to be private, that makes it relational, because we are more inclined to bare our souls when we are alone with someone we trust.
Prayer is to our spiritual life what breathing is to our physical life - essential. Prayer is more than just thanking God for this or that, or asking for help with a situation, or praying for healing, or to find a job, prayer is about communication with God, as with any relationship, without communication, relationships suffer and often times fall apart. The more time we spend talking with God, the easier it becomes to recognize and avoid the pitfalls that come our way.
Prayer has a humbling side effect, it reminds us that we are not in control, but God is, keeping our pride in check. Not only does God instruct us to pray, He desires to hear from us regularly. We need prayer as Christians. We were designed to function best, emotionally, in a prayerful relationship with God. C.S. Lewis put it this way: "God designed the human machine to run on Himself. God is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on, there is no other".

I encourage you, that if you are not spending some daily alone time with God, pencil that in, it will become the most important part of your every day life.
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