Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Optimists have bad days too..........

There is a story of a man who had been working on a book for many years. It was his life's work and he was hoping that it would make him his fortune. However, upon finishing the book, he was disappointed and feared that no one would read it, so he put the finished manuscript in the trash. His wife, who knew how hard he had worked on the book, was mortified and tried to reason with him, but the writer insisted that she not remove the manuscript from the trash. Being a dutiful and obedient wife that she was (this was in the 1950's), she took the trash bin, with its contents, to a publisher. The book was eventually published and went on to sell millions of copies. The author? Norman Vincent Peale. The book? The Power of Positive Thinking.

If someone like Norman Vincent Peale can have bad days that cause him to lose hope then I'm sure it will happen to you and me as well.

Having people around you who have faith in your abilities will help a lot. On those inevitable days when you are not feeling confident or capable, you need someone who can encourage you. You need people who can assist you in making sure that your bad days don't become bad weeks or bad months.

You will have bad days. You will have many bad days over the years, we all do. Having bad days is just apart of life, the ends and out of living in this imperfect world. What makes life worth living is not about the good days and it's not about the bad days, its about the people we have in our lives everyday.  The right people can make the best days sweeter and the worst days smoother to slide through.

Surround yourself with people who see your potential and won't let anyone, including ourselves, keep us from them. We all have these kind of people in our lives and we need to be that kind of person to those people in our lives too.

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