As I said, I struggled with this, perhaps it was my pride, or maybe it was something more. I guess we all just want to believe that if our strengths outweigh our weaknesses then they are not worth mentioning or is it that we just don't want to deal with them?
It was not until I talked with a friend about them that I began to see, that just because a weakness can also look like a strength, it is still a weakness. Take for example the following:
- Sometime I take on more than I should
- It is easier for me to do something then try to explain to someone else what is needed
- I can be intolerant of people who are late, unprepared and/or lack commitment
- When my name is attached to a project I have a difficult time delegating it someone else
- If I do not know something, I research it, rather than admitting I don't know

with not being enough. Ouch!
Many of you know me well, some just know the surface of who I am, others are just starting to get to know me. Like many of you, I want to be loved, respected, admired, needed, valued and appreciated and it is difficult to believe that is possible when someone knows your weaknesses as well as they know your strengths, or if they see your weaknesses more than your strengths.
There is a face we show the world in hopes that they never discover the flaws that we try so hard to cover with all that we believe is good about us. Why do we do this? I could list things like rejection, fear, and pride, but the reality is that grace and mercy rarely play huge roles in our interactions with others. We are a harsh and judgmental people, it's not that we don't wish we could just be real with people, it's that there are very few people that we can be that way with.
Here is an example. Someone you have encountered, for what ever reason, has decided to be ugly with you. Maybe it is something they heard, or a feeling they get from you, or just that you are different than them, whatever it is they just don't seem to care for you enough to give you the time of day. However, all of a sudden they find out from this person or that person that you go to church and all of a sudden they begin being nice to you because now you share a common interest, that has always been there if they had only taken the time to invest in getting to know you. Why do we have to play these games with one another?
Truth is we already have so many things in common. We are all human, all imperfect, all struggling through life with its ups and downs, all have insecurities, all have secrets, all have strengths and weaknesses, and we all, or at least most act as though we are somehow better than one another to some extent. Why can't we give others what we so desperately want and need from others?
Many of us are people of faith. We believe in God and we try to take Him at His Word, but we pick and choose which Words will work for us and which ones do not. There is a verse in the bible, that we all know, but somehow leave off the verse that follows "Do not judge others, or you will be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging other is the standard by which you will be judged" (Matthew 7: 1&2) I have been guilty of harsh judgment of others that I would not want to receive from others. Galatians 6:7 says "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap".

Grace and mercy are the best ways to love each other, because they are the foundation of what it means to be like Christ. If we never understand anything else that God is trying to teach us through His Word, and can learn to live out our lives through the filters of grace and mercy, we would not have to worry so much about all the 'do nots' because what God wants most from us is to give to others what He has given us.
I have strengths, I have weaknesses, and although knowing and understanding what they are can be beneficial to my personal growth, as a christian, neither of these matter if I don't have grace and mercy towards others. Who we really are is how we treat each other, because that is what others will remember about us, not our strengths and weaknesses.