I think one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in the past 47 years is learning how to be pliable with different personality types, well with people in general. Mind you this has not always been an easy task especially with those whom share my particular personality type. To be honest in some cases it has been down right painful, but some the most valuable lessons are forged in the midst of pain. I am a perfect example of being able to teach an old dog new tricks.
God is more than able to make changes in someone's life, and it is not always initially evident that you are aware of His big plan. For me God has a tendency to place people in my life to show me things about myself that I need to grow in and grow out of. For example; I do not like to be late for things, matter of fact I like to be early, on time, but never late, and if I am running late, I make sure to always give the person a heads up cause I don't want them just waiting and not knowing, this also means it bothered me when others are late too. Well God insisted on placing just those types of people in my life who are always consistently late but over time He was working on making me more pliable regarding this particular pet peeve, and therefore teaching me baby steps about grace and mercy.
I don't like it when God puts a mirror up to my face and then points out things about me that need work and HE typically does this when I am in a state of feeling pretty good about myself, thinking I am this awesome creature because of all the changes He has already made in me. There have been times that I shut closed my eyes and acted as those I could not see what He was trying to show me, be He is persistent!
I have no doubts that God puts people in our lives for two reasons. For them and for YOU! There is not a relationship you will encounter that cannot teach you something valuable about yourself. Try it. Look at each of your relationships and ask "what is it that I can and need to learn" if you don't do this I promise God will continue to put those same people and situations in your life until you see it and learn from it and then it will be on to the next thing He wants to work on in your life.
I have not nor will I ever arrive at the destination that God intends to take me, I am a work in progress as long as I have breathe in my lungs and I only hope that I remain pliable to Him.
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