I decided not to take the afterschool position, I just felt it was not worth what I would be giving up , so I will just have to trust that God will provide and help me figure out some ways to save and make money that won't keep me from my kiddos. Truthfully I feel a sense of relief, and I very much appreciate having friends that will allow me to express my doubts and fears and will prayerfully offer an ear and some words of wisdom. I have wonderful Christian friends.
The wedding is Saturday and I really think everything is going to be beautiful! My friend Ginny made all the cupcakes prior to leaving for her girls cruise weekend and she always does such an amazing job, I hope she has a wonderful time! Joanie will be here some time on Friday, but in the mean time Buker will be assisting me on Friday in transforming the Poe Springs Lodge for the big day. Can I ever say enough how blessed I am to have such great friends?
I have been steady learning new songs for the two upcoming Sundays that I will lead worship again at Fellowship Church, October 9th and 16th. Anyone who does not have a place of worship I would LOVE IT if you would come and worship with me on those day, church starts at 10:30 sharp!! Please continue praying for God's direction for this church.

Now for some possibly controversial words:

Foundations are vital, and when you slowly chip away at that foundation you weaken any structure that was or every will be built on it and for us that is these not so united states of America. Foundations should never be considered mobile. Since we are so divided maybe we should consider literally splitting America in half by political affiliation? If you are mostly a democrat live west of the Mississippi and Republicans live east of the Mississippi. The west would be governed by the Democratic President and east by the Republican President, then perhaps we would begin to see some glimpses of unity again. Unconventional I know but we NEED a great change, and maybe even a revolution. I am tired of voting the lesser of two evils, aren't you?
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this country ladies. I want to live in a country where the foundation is built on a solid rock and I only know one Solid Rock!
Peace out!