Thursday, September 29, 2016
Stuff and Politics..............
I decided not to take the afterschool position, I just felt it was not worth what I would be giving up , so I will just have to trust that God will provide and help me figure out some ways to save and make money that won't keep me from my kiddos. Truthfully I feel a sense of relief, and I very much appreciate having friends that will allow me to express my doubts and fears and will prayerfully offer an ear and some words of wisdom. I have wonderful Christian friends.
The wedding is Saturday and I really think everything is going to be beautiful! My friend Ginny made all the cupcakes prior to leaving for her girls cruise weekend and she always does such an amazing job, I hope she has a wonderful time! Joanie will be here some time on Friday, but in the mean time Buker will be assisting me on Friday in transforming the Poe Springs Lodge for the big day. Can I ever say enough how blessed I am to have such great friends?
I have been steady learning new songs for the two upcoming Sundays that I will lead worship again at Fellowship Church, October 9th and 16th. Anyone who does not have a place of worship I would LOVE IT if you would come and worship with me on those day, church starts at 10:30 sharp!! Please continue praying for God's direction for this church.
You all get to catch up with me by reading my blogs, I would love to stay caught up on you so if any of you have a blog, I would enjoy the opportunity to be apart of that, if not send me a 'blog' (aka note/letter) from time to time and let me know what is going on in your lives and if there is anything I can help you pray about, because really that's what friends are for. I cannot however make any guarantees regarding the outcome of my prayers but I can promise God will hear from me regarding them, repeatedly. For some "what's going on in your lives" you can email me, text me 352-226-7029 or PM on Facebook, or feel free to call or stop by, if you stop by I like at least a 10 minute heads up cause I could still be in my PJ's, the perks of working from home. I realize life keeps us all running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but if you are on my blog then I consider you someone I care about and I don't want our friendships to be a one way street. I do appreciate those of you whom message me about a blog that spoke to you in someway, it means a lot to me.
Now for some possibly controversial words:
I watched the debate the other night, and I am sure that many of you did as well. I will not go on and on about my take on that whole event, but I would like to encourage each of you to make praying for this country a priority. The whole concept of "United" States seems to be nothing more that a mere title we no longer, and have not for quite sometime, lived up to. Division is not a God thing so I hope you understand who is at work here and he does it under the disguise of political correctness, moral compromise and dare I say faith compromises to the tune of "love one another", sneaky, slithering deceiver. Yes, for any of you wondering, I believe in the devil, if it's in the Bible, I believe it and that includes heaven and hell.
Foundations are vital, and when you slowly chip away at that foundation you weaken any structure that was or every will be built on it and for us that is these not so united states of America. Foundations should never be considered mobile. Since we are so divided maybe we should consider literally splitting America in half by political affiliation? If you are mostly a democrat live west of the Mississippi and Republicans live east of the Mississippi. The west would be governed by the Democratic President and east by the Republican President, then perhaps we would begin to see some glimpses of unity again. Unconventional I know but we NEED a great change, and maybe even a revolution. I am tired of voting the lesser of two evils, aren't you?
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this country ladies. I want to live in a country where the foundation is built on a solid rock and I only know one Solid Rock!
Peace out!
Stuff and Politics..............
I decided not to take the afterschool position, I just felt it was not worth what I would be giving up , so I will just have to trust that God will provide and help me figure out some ways to save and make money that won't keep me from my kiddos. Truthfully I feel a sense of relief, and I very much appreciate having friends that will allow me to express my doubts and fears and will prayerfully offer an ear and some words of wisdom. I have wonderful Christian friends.
The wedding is Saturday and I really think everything is going to be beautiful! My friend Ginny made all the cupcakes prior to leaving for her girls cruise weekend and she always does such an amazing job, I hope she has a wonderful time! Joanie will be here some time on Friday, but in the mean time Buker will be assisting me on Friday in transforming the Poe Springs Lodge for the big day. Can I ever say enough how blessed I am to have such great friends?
I have been steady learning new songs for the two upcoming Sundays that I will lead worship again at Fellowship Church, October 9th and 16th. Anyone who does not have a place of worship I would LOVE IT if you would come and worship with me on those day, church starts at 10:30 sharp!! Please continue praying for God's direction for this church.
You all get to catch up with me by reading my blogs, I would love to stay caught up on you so if any of you have a blog, I would enjoy the opportunity to be apart of that, if not send me a 'blog' (aka note/letter) from time to time and let me know what is going on in your lives and if there is anything I can help you pray about, because really that's what friends are for. I cannot however make any guarantees regarding the outcome of my prayers but I can promise God will hear from me regarding them, repeatedly. For some "what's going on in your lives" you can email me, text me 352-226-7029 or PM on Facebook, or feel free to call or stop by, if you stop by I like at least a 10 minute heads up cause I could still be in my PJ's, the perks of working from home. I realize life keeps us all running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but if you are on my blog then I consider you someone I care about and I don't want our friendships to be a one way street. I do appreciate those of you whom message me about a blog that spoke to you in someway, it means a lot to me.
Now for some possibly controversial words:
I watched the debate the other night, and I am sure that many of you did as well. I will not go on and on about my take on that whole event, but I would like to encourage each of you to make praying for this country a priority. The whole concept of "United" States seems to be nothing more that a mere title we no longer, and have not for quite sometime, lived up to. Division is not a God thing so I hope you understand who is at work here and he does it under the disguise of political correctness, moral compromise and dare I say faith compromises to the tune of "love one another", sneaky, slithering deceiver. Yes, for any of you wondering, I believe in the devil, if it's in the Bible, I believe it and that includes heaven and hell.
Foundations are vital, and when you slowly chip away at that foundation you weaken any structure that was or every will be built on it and for us that is these not so united states of America. Foundations should never be considered mobile. Since we are so divided maybe we should consider literally splitting America in half by political affiliation? If you are mostly a democrat live west of the Mississippi and Republicans live east of the Mississippi. The west would be governed by the Democratic President and east by the Republican President, then perhaps we would begin to see some glimpses of unity again. Unconventional I know but we NEED a great change, and maybe even a revolution. I am tired of voting the lesser of two evils, aren't you?
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this country ladies. I want to live in a country where the foundation is built on a solid rock and I only know one Solid Rock!
Peace out!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
My niece, Brittnie's wedding is quickly approaching, October 1st! Yesterday I did a trial run of the archway which I am glad I did, learned a few things, it was a bit of a challenge at first but ended up going pretty well, except for the part when I dropped the antlers and broke it, oh my! I think I can fix it, if not back to Target to get another one or use real ones. The photo to the left is my first run (ignore the messiness of my living-room), I will do it again and set it up outside to get the outdoors feel for it. There are shepherds hooks for the lanterns, which will be set up at different heights and more greenery, I think it will turn out nicely. There is quite a bit to set up ,aside from the archway, unfortunately I will not be able to do a trial run with that, but I have drawn it out in hopes that all my planning will make it possible to just implement the plan. Brittnie did not waste any time getting this all planned, she knew what she wanted, knew her budget and it was full speed ahead, sometimes the best thing to do is just get out of the way and wait till the dust from her speed settles and do your best to make it all come together the way she wants it. I think it is going to be a beautiful wedding!
I think one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in the past 47 years is learning how to be pliable with different personality types, well with people in general. Mind you this has not always been an easy task especially with those whom share my particular personality type. To be honest in some cases it has been down right painful, but some the most valuable lessons are forged in the midst of pain. I am a perfect example of being able to teach an old dog new tricks.
God is more than able to make changes in someone's life, and it is not always initially evident that you are aware of His big plan. For me God has a tendency to place people in my life to show me things about myself that I need to grow in and grow out of. For example; I do not like to be late for things, matter of fact I like to be early, on time, but never late, and if I am running late, I make sure to always give the person a heads up cause I don't want them just waiting and not knowing, this also means it bothered me when others are late too. Well God insisted on placing just those types of people in my life who are always consistently late but over time He was working on making me more pliable regarding this particular pet peeve, and therefore teaching me baby steps about grace and mercy.
I don't like it when God puts a mirror up to my face and then points out things about me that need work and HE typically does this when I am in a state of feeling pretty good about myself, thinking I am this awesome creature because of all the changes He has already made in me. There have been times that I shut closed my eyes and acted as those I could not see what He was trying to show me, be He is persistent!
I have no doubts that God puts people in our lives for two reasons. For them and for YOU! There is not a relationship you will encounter that cannot teach you something valuable about yourself. Try it. Look at each of your relationships and ask "what is it that I can and need to learn" if you don't do this I promise God will continue to put those same people and situations in your life until you see it and learn from it and then it will be on to the next thing He wants to work on in your life.
I have not nor will I ever arrive at the destination that God intends to take me, I am a work in progress as long as I have breathe in my lungs and I only hope that I remain pliable to Him.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
We have all been guilty at times of being overly confident in our own abilities. Our egotism has at some point given each of us over to an over-inflated sense of self-assurance. Having experienced some successes we come to believe that we can function without the Lord. In some cases, many of us start in the right way - fervently seeking the guidance of the Lord, and as He promises, He guides our steps. As we begin to develop a level of comfort that the Lord is with us, and is smiling upon our endeavors, we sometimes then begin to seek the Lord's guidance less, and trust more in the unfounded confidence in our own hearts.
It's easy for Christians to believe that we are in alignment with God's will and we are capable of making our own decisions. After all, we have been saved by grace, we are His chosen, and we live by the aid of the Holy Spirit. We begin to believe that our own decision making is sound, and forget that it was because of God's good providence that our decisions were blessed to begin with. In either case it is by an over-grown sense of self-righteousness that we then cease seeking God's guidance in our decision making. When we begin to believe we are "good" people, and believe we operate with "good" intent, we become confident that our decision making is consequently "good". We then become dependent on ourselves for our own guidance, and unfortunately, as has been demonstrated by thousands of years of history, self-reliance ultimately leads a person far from the Lord.
Jesus teaches, "No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19). We must not begin thinking that because we have come to know Christ that we are now "good" people capable of making righteous decisions. The truth is, we are sinners, soiled by sin, making decisions with a fractured conscience and deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9). Though we are justified to God through Christ, it is by Christ's righteousness alone, and not by any good of our own (Ephesians 2:8). No person does righteously apart from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must remember who it is that is good - He who makes us good - and seek His advisement always.
Sometimes the best thing for us to remember is that WE are His children, and like our own children we require/demand that they ASK FIRST before they are allowed to do anything. Why do we do this? We want the best for them, to keep them safe, knowing that we have experience and knowledge that they have not yet acquired which allows us to provide both. Is it so crazy to imagine our Father wanting the same from us?
Obviously we will make independent choices and decisions based on the things we know and that are good and right, these are not what I am referring to, but rather those times when you don't know the how, when, where, what or why and certainly not what the outcome of what your choices will be. Thankfully God does and we just need to ASK.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Church Hurt...........
As you know Sunday I lead worship at Fellowship Church and I feel like it went pretty well. I was nervous but once the music started and the songs began I just focused on making my own connection with God, and just placed it all in His hands. My brother and his wife came and once I saw them in the congregation I felt a little more at ease. Although I would love to have this position I can only trust that whatever decision is made that it will be God's will. I hope that a decision will be made soon, because I have to decide rather or not I should accept the position with the school board at one of the after school programs because I know how many hours I put into practicing the last two weeks and I would not have that luxury if I chose to do all three jobs. My preference would be to add the position of worship leader to my already permanent part time job that I have been at for over 8 years now, this would also allow me to be actively involved with my kids extracurricular activities, such as soccer. If I take the after school job I would miss most of Nick's games and a few of Allie's and I would rather not miss any if at all possible. Please be in prayer regarding this above my own desires I want to be in God's will.
I want to thank all of you who reached out to me on Saturday and Sunday about leading worship, I cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to me that so many of you sent prayers and encouraging words and even followed up afterwards to see how it went. I am truly blessed with some amazing people in my life.
I want to talk a little today about 'church hurt'. Most of us know what 'church hurt' is and many of us have even experienced it, but for anyone who does not know, basically it is when either a church body, or group of people at a church has done something or said something that deeply wounded someone, so deep in fact that some have chosen to have nothing to do with the church because of it. This can be anything from being publically humilitated, alienated, spoken lies about, gossiped about, etc..I have to be completely honest right now about how angry this makes me. We, as Christians, are representatives of Christ, and when we fail to show love, grace and mercy then we are not Christ like at all! Matthew, Mark and Luke says that if anyone causes someone who believes in Jesus to stumble that it would be better if they tied a large stone around their neck and be thrown into the sea! That is how important our roles are as Christians.
It would kill me to think that I hurt someone so badly that because of me they may never know how truly wonderful it is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. How horrible to think that we as humans could cause a pain so deep as to turn people off to what Jesus has to offer them. How incredibly selfish and arrogant. As you can see this really lights me up and I don't mean in a good way more like an atomic bomb type of lighting me up. I don't even want to imagine how this affects the Father, but I am guessing, based on some of the stories I have read in the Bible, that He is NOT pleased.
Being a Christian takes complete surrender, it is all or nothing. There is no lukewarm, it is hot or cold, you are in or you are out. It is a way of life that must be lived out everyday, in every way, with everyone, not based on this or that religion or doctrine of faith, or altered depending on your mood or the mood and actions of others. You could say "but we are only human", no we are not ONLY human, we have the Spirit of the living God dwelling within us and we need to allow Him to do everything it takes for Him to make us more like Christ and the only way to do that is by feeding that spirit instead of the spirit of human nature.
If you have been deeply wounded by a "Christian" or church body, I am so sorry that instead of experiencing the love, grace and mercy of a loving Savior, all you experienced was the ugly side of the sinful nature of humanity. Jesus loves you and truly desires to have a personal relationship with you and longs to heal the hurt that you carry around deep inside of you caused by the people who should have shown you the love, grace and mercy of Jesus. Don't cheat yourself out of the best relationship you could ever have, and don't let anyone, past, present or future, be the reason. There are millions of people walking a path of faith, and many of those people will fail horribly at being like Christ, but there is only ONE JESUS and it is Him that I encourage you to give a chance and I happen to know He has been waiting on you.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Thursday thoughts........
My computer virus issues are still being worked on. Sadly I have lost ALL my personal files including photos from 2005-current, because my external hard drive was plugged in at the time of the virus. This includes my soccer files, taxes, bible studies, Christmas, well everything! I am sad, I even had myself a big fat cry about it. I wonder if these people who do those have any real thoughts of how their behavior can really hurt someone. Lord help me to accept the things I cannot change. Obviously I will make better choices in the future, hard lesson learned folks!
I want to give a little shout out to those of you who make an effort to reach out to me from time to time, I can't tell you what that means to me. Heather B thank you for the US Open coffee mug. Leah, thank you for including me in your current bible study on Thessalonians I am looking forward to that. Kristen, you are family but you are also one of my closest friends, thank you for your continued thoughtfulness and support. Misty, thank you for your note this morning. I have been blessed with so many wonderful and amazing people in my life and could go on an on, so overall Thank you all for your friendship!
Have a nice day!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Other People's Children........
As Christians we have a responsibility to one another because we are all apart of the body of Christ. Those responsibilities do not change in regards to the children of others. The bible does not change based on this or that situation, matter of fact that is one of the awesome truths about God, He does not change!
Children hold a special place in the heart of God. Psalm 127:3 - "behold, children are a heritage from the Lord..." However "Honor (aka respect) your father and your mother" was not a suggestion and neither is "children obey your parents". If we are to live by the word, we should also encourage children to do the same, including the children in our lives that are not ours.
Loving someone's child is a wonderful thing, it is our calling to love one another. Speaking truths and wisdom into the life of a child is also a wonderful thing. Being in a position agreeing to work together with another parent for the benefit of a child, is a wonderful thing. When working together, there must be a mutual understanding between the parent and non-parent that cannot and should not exceed the boundaries or interfere with the parent/child relationship, with the only exception being if there is some sort of abuse involving the child (physical, sexual, etc.)
We honor God, when we honor His decisions. We honor God when we encourage and direct a child to behave obediently and respectfully towards their parents. We honor God when we do not nurture a divisive spirit between a parent and a child. We honor God when we love the parent in addition to the child and respect the role that a parent was given, by God, over that child.
On a different note. I can see how difficult it might be to practice some tough love, but if a child insists on being disobedient and disrespectful, action has to be taken. Tough love isn't just something that we have to show them but something we share in, because it is tough on a parent to practice tough love when all they want to do is hold that child down and hug and love the negative and bad behaviors right out of them. It is not okay for people to be treated this way and children, no matter what their age, needs to learn this hard truth and we, as parents, have been given the responsibility to "Train up that child". I don't know what tough love will look like for you, and it may be different for everyone, but whatever that tough love looks like it won't be easy for you or for your child, but as we have done throughout that child's life, we have to continue doing and this is having their best interest at heart. They may say they hate you, move out, stop talking to you, withhold love and affection, find ways to hurt you, or just continue to treat you unkindly, but they have to learn that you cannot treat people that way and reap positive results.
Doing what is right or best doesn't change how much you love someone, it confirms that love and eventually, could be years down the road, they realize how great that love for them from you was and is.
If you are having some relationship issues with your son/daughter, they may or may not be because of something you did or didn't do. It is important to take a long look at yourself when issues arise in a relationship between women especailly, including your daughter, and the roles that you may have played that helped get you to where you currently are in that relationship, and take ownership. It is also possible that you have done everything right and to the best of your ability and things still went wrong. Whatever is going on there is nothing that is out of the reach of our loving heavenly Father and I highly encourage having many conversations with Him for you and for your child.
May God bless the relationships in our lives.
Two books worth checking out:
Mothers-Daughters-Mending-Strained-Relationship &
When Parents Hurt
Friday, September 9, 2016
Ransomware computer viruses
I am just sick to my stomach today and I have a tension headache on top of that. Why? Computer virus! That's right the new strain of the Locky ransomware virus called Zepto. Most of the company files have been backed up so the worst case is that we have lost the last 3 months of saved files. Sadly my external drive was connected at the time of infection and all my documents and photos for the last 11 years have also been encrypted. My photos since 2005, I am just sick! I don't know what we are planning to do at this point but my hope is that the company chooses to either have a recovery company come in a decrypt the files or pay the ransom for the decryption key. I will be very sad if they choose not to go one of those routes, so pray people, PRAY!
I gets so angry when I think about the people who do these types of things and did I mention the ransom fee? $1900 for the description key! They should be paying me for damages and time! There has got to be a better way to inform the public of these vicious attacks and a better way to track theses bottom feeders. Like any virus these are continuously changing and even if you keep your virus software up to date there is no guarantee that they will identify before it is too late, as is what has happened to me. I have both Norton and Malwarebyte/anti-malware software on mine.
Needless to say having prints would have been good. 😢
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Whispers of fall......
Well the storm thankfully has come and gone and it did not cause too much damage in our area. We are so lucky to live in this part of the state, it is by far the safest location, in Florida, but still not too far from the beaches, which totally contradicts my lack of love for the summer heat, but hey waves crashing on the seashore is wonderful anytime of the year.
As some of you may know, I broke my favorite coffee mug this morning, which was a replacement to my old favorite coffee mug that my sister Amy shattered on my kitchen floor almost 8 years ago. Amy felt terrible so she bought me that one and once again, it has become my old favorite coffee mug. I immediately thought "I hope this is not an indication of what my day will be like". (This was after my refreshing dog walk this morning and whispers of fall and yes I can clearly see my error was walking the dog before my coffee). Anyway, I am happy to report that is not the far. Matter of fact, my sister-in-law Chrissy (Scott's wife) saw my post on Facebook and would you believe it, she has three of those exact coffee mugs in need of a new home and believe you me I am gonna welcome them in gladly!!!! I know it's just a cup, but you know exactly what I mean, you too have a go to cup/mug.
So as most days go there are ups and downs through out them, but so far the scales are tilted to ups!
I don't know about you but I have been super busy for the last several days. Thursday night Allie and Nick had a 'pre-hurricane" get together at the house with some friends which, lucky for me, turned into a jam session, and I am pretty sure that at least half of us really enjoyed it, me included. Three guitars, quite a few singers, and music that ranged from 70's to current was played and sang and to be honest it was not all good but was still a good time. Friday I worked and started on some yard clean up. Saturday was a carry over from Friday with more yard clean up and Sunday after church more outside cleaning and babysitting my great nephew Hoyt, who is such a happy baby. For the record I am not one of those women who could see myself with a baby of my own at this stage, no thank you. Since my yard looked so nice I decided to invite my brother Andy and his family over for a cookout for Labor day to also celebrate Larry's birthday, it was a great couple of days!
Well I wish you all a wonderful week and that the whispers of fall will come closer and speak louder as quickly as possible.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
By definition, worship is ascribing worth to something or someone. But true worship is a matter of the heart. It must be felt. It can't be ritualistic. It can't be just an external going through the motions. True worship is a heartfelt expression of love, adoration, admiration, fascination, wonder and celebration. It's something that happens in your heart and soul when you begin to praise God for who He is and thank Him for what he has done.
There is nothing difficult about worship. Christian or non-Christian, pagan or holy, every human being was designed to worship, and does worship - something. Consider a group of sports fans watching and talking about a game. They worship. Consider a group of teenagers at a concert. They worship. We readily worship food, sports, arts and music. We worship comfort, control, power, achievement, work, money, and relationships, but God calls us to worship Him. He commands it, desires it, pursues it, deserves it and will reward it.
Worship brings an upward look, a glance at God on His throne in all His glory. It refocuses our view of God. It pulls our affections off our idols, and we all have them, and puts them onto God. It causes us to remember how good He is, how big, kind, powerful, loving and how holy He is.
Worship also brings and inward look. When we see God for who He really is, we start to see ourselves for who we really are. We start seeing things in our heart and life that really didn't bother us before. That's what happens when we really worship.
Genuine worship always leads to an outward look, a personal response or action, a desire to be obedient to whatever God calls us to do. Genuine worship allows us to see God for who He really is - His power, greatness, holiness, sovereignty, love, and compassion, and then giving Him what He's worth - the best of our time, talents, thoughts, words and deeds.
Are you a bit overwhelmed? I know I am. Remember, we were created to worship and that takes the pressure off because we do it naturally. now the only thing that needs to change is the focus of that worship. If we begin to purposely look for God in all things, we would begin to realize that all that we are, have or ever want to be is because of everything that God has already done for us.
As I continue to prepare for this opportunity to lead worship I pray that God will become more visibly evident and help us to find new ways through our days to worship Him.