It has been a while my friends, I hope all is well and trust that you all had a wonderful summer! I enjoyed sleeping in a bit longer (30 minutes), but it was definitely harder to keep up with the cleaning and laundry, and the grocery bill seemed a bit higher as well. Now it is back to school and normal, day to day, routine. I don't know about you but as fun as summer can be there is something to be said about having a routine. I never thought I would be the kind of person who liked normal and mundane, but when you are a parent, trying to create a secure environment for your children, there is not way around it. So I say: "Hello routine I have missed you!"

It is hard to believe that my daughter is a Senior! Where has the time gone? My little girl is not so little anymore. I do love that she still likes to get in my lap and receive some loving from her momma, I hope that doesn't change anytime soon. I have watched her go through so many growth spurts over the years, emotionally and mentally speaking, but none as drastic as she has this summer. I am really beginning to see more of the young woman that she is becoming, as time and experience has shaped her thus far. How wonderful and sad at the same time. She still has so much more to look forward to, so much more to learn which means I still have so many prayers to keep praying.

My son is a Junior this year. Unfortunately he does not still get up in my lap to receive some loving from his momma, that changed some years ago. However, no one tells me they love me more than he does. He never goes to bed without hugging me, telling me good night, and saying those ever so sweet words 'I love you'. I love that about him. I see changes in him as well, he is not as forthcoming with his thoughts and feelings, as his sister, but there is no doubt in his mind that if and when he decides he wants or needs me, I will be there. I don't know why the bond between a mother and son are different, but it is. He too still has so much more to learn about becoming the man he thinks he already is, but time and experience will continue to shape him as well, and by the grace of God, and I have not doubts that he too will grow into a wonderful young man.
As for me.....I am looking forward to getting back to my bible studies on a regular basis and focusing on some things I am working on personally. Now that my children drive, I have some extra time I can spend on doing things just for me. I have to get use to that idea, because before you know it, I will have more and more of it, might as well ease into it. I also hope that I will get to spend some quality time with some of you, either walking, drinking coffee, doing a bible study, or just good ole hanging out. So hit me up so we can catch up!
Have a wonderful day!!!!
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