I don't know how significant this solar eclipse is to you, but for some it's a pretty big deal. Scientists are excited about getting to study this amazing event, some could care less, and Christians..........well based on some of the things I have read and watched, if they are not sleeping, and many are, then they are on high alert.
The Jewish people have some pretty strong feelings about the lunar and solar eclipses. They follow the lunar calendar and therefore believe that lunar eclipses are warnings to the Jewish people, whereas solar eclipses are warnings to the Gentiles, pretty much everyone else.
I am not a dooms-dayer, but based on the current state of our country, with divisiveness increasingly getting worse, the lack of spiritual leadership, and the unsettling feeling that something is coming our way, perhaps the Jewish people are correct?
No one wants to think about the end of the world. Rather that happens as a result of war, famine, natural disasters, plagues, or even the rapture. It's definitely easier to stay ignorant of the reality that things just aren't getting better for humanity. Aside from the ugliness that we are seeing in people around the world, there are other things to consider. The sun is changing, the moon is getting further and further away, the polar magnetic fields are shifting, glaciers are melting, and the list goes on. We are on the verge of change that will bring challenges this generation has never experienced.
You may not know this about me, but I absolutely love disaster movies! Among my favorites are Twister, Day After Tomorrow, and 2012. Although I am in awe of the power of this great planet, it amazes me to see how humanity responds. The real character of people shows up. Sadly the majority thinks only of themselves, while few others actually have a heart for humanity as a whole. I know they are just movies, and the stories may not be real, but humanities response is dead on and is real everyday around the globe. Ugliness is increasing.
My heart aches, not so much thinking about the upcoming changes that will occur, but for the lack of love being displayed. The seeds of hate have taken root and are spreading like wild fire all across the globe. We, as Christians, need to shine the light of love bright than ever, people need to see that light. It is time for the sleeping Christians to wake up and do what God has commanded up to do. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. We need to get out of our comfort zones and let God have full control of our lives so that He can use us to be the light in a world consumed with darkness. Comfort zones are death zones.
So spread the love and amp up your prayer lives, distractions are the devils playground. Remember, we are in this world but not of this world, and our purpose is to shine the light of God's love, and keep our spiritual 'bug out bags' ready always.