We are into the 2017 year and I am already working on my list of things to accomplish. Most of the list is somewhat trivial but I am a list maker so perhaps I will start small and end big.

I have given a lot of thought about this, and to be honest I am not sure just how radical I can get with this but I have decided to "attempt" the minimalist life style. As many of you know I come from a big family and it always seemed like wall to wall clutter in our home but when you have 9 people in one house gathering and keeping this or that, things can become overwhelming quickly. Obviously, from previous posts over the 2016 year clutter has become a re-run in my thought process, perhaps it is age, or just a longing for more simple in my life. I began with my kitchen, mostly because I have niece who could use many of the items I have been hoarding, for what I am not sure, but my kitchen cupboards are looking pretty awesome and I still have a few more to go through but I have already filled 4 boxes! Next I think I will tackle the linens, I mean who needs 30 plus towels, 10 bedspreads/comforters, 5 sets of sheets for each bed, etc., etc., etc., NO ONE!!!

In addition to attempting the minimalist lifestyle, I am also going to try to stay faithful in my "One Year Chronological Bible" readings. I have attempted this many times before, only to get so far behind in my readings that I just give up. Will this year be any different, I hope so. I am super encouraged and strongly desire seeking a better understanding of my Father and what His plans for my life will be this year. I have heard and read this verse many times before, but it struck at my core and for the first time it resonated in me. Hebrews 4:12; "For the word of God is ALIVE and ACTIVE. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thought and attitudes of the heart". This is POWERFUL! Would love to hear if any of you choose to read it also.
I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions so why start now. I will say there is something refreshing about a new year that makes us feel like we can make this year better than the last, I don't usually get fired up until just before spring, that seems to be my awakening period of resolutions, but just for the record these are plans that I have been making I am just getting started, ya know had to finish the list first!
Over the next several weeks I am doing a study on the Beatitudes so look for me to do some blogging about that one.
Have a great day my friend....everyday!
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