Just as we are coming out of the coronavirus pandemic and start to get back to "normal" we are faced with even more senseless death by the hands of those who took an oath to serve and protect. Although there have been some changes made in law enforcement over the past decade, still much is needed. Although we don't want to hear and see a police officer taking the life of a citizen, black or white, the reality is that since 2014 hate crimes continue to increase annually in the United States. We cannot blame that on law enforcement especially when the ratio is 1/over 300,000 people in the U.S. We want to see changes in how people of color are treated by law enforcement, but the real and lasting change has to happen in all humanity. We as a people have to forget all that we have been taught and experienced over the last century and stop seeing one another as anything other than human. Stop judging others based on the actions of the few. Love and acceptance will never win as long as we constantly make life about our differences. Red, yellow, black, or white, we are all just human. Each and every one of us has to stop perpetuating hate by our actions allowing the actions of our brothers and sisters who need reminding that the color of our skin does not change the fact that we are ALL human. I am afraid that the only way this racial division will end is if the next pandemic causes blindness in anyone that harvests hate in their heart and/or mind or if the world was ending.