Welcome to 2018!
As I reflect over the 2017 year, many things were learned in my family, some good and some not the best. All in all, we survived and are hopefully stronger and wiser for them.
Some of life's lessons included coming to terms with the fact that some friendships are only for a season even if would like for them to last a life time.
Decisions should never be made on the uncertainty of the future, no matter how much you believe that someone will be apart of your future.
Life and people change with every passing day, one day they are a part of your life and the next day they are not, along with all the friendships you thought you made along the way.
Finally, nothing and no one really matters when you step back and realize that the things and people who stay present in your life deserve your attention because they don't shift with the changing tides of life, they surf those waves right along with you and you with them.
This year holds many changes and new adventures for our family and I am both sad and excited, what mom wouldn't be?
My goals for this year.....learn to transition from the mom to my little girl to the mom of a young woman who will have her very own dreams and goals for the days ahead. Loosening my grip so she can learn to fly on her own and not swoop in to save her when she is falling will be tough, but she has to learn to fly even if that means she will hit the ground a time or two. I am confident that she will do just fine, and she knows I will be there to at least help dust herself off and encourage her to never give up when she does hit the ground. I love and hate that our lives are in for big changes, but that's life.
I am hopeful for the year ahead and feel confident, by the grace, mercy and love of my Heavenly Father that He will be my constant companion and I pray that my kids realize He will also be theirs and always will be.
Happy New Year my friends. I pray that this year holds wonderful things for you all!!!!
Tammy Sales