Maya Angelo once said, "People will forget what you say, and people will forget what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel".

Even if you are not a "feeler" type, this is true. I for one am. There is nothing that hurts me more deeply than not feeling valued and appreciated. I fear, for me, it'seems a catch 22, because I am also a giver, who seems to find myself surrounded by takers that, quite frankly, could care less how what they say or do might make you feel. To top it all off, I am also a Christian, striving to be like the ultimate giver, who is devalued and unappreciated everyday by millions, how does He do it and how can I not allow the takers of this world to harden the giver in me?
Studies have shown that there are far more takers in the world than givers. I suspect that will only get worse. Takers consider givers doormats, or too nice, and to some extent they may very well be right. Boundaries are necessary for the giver, not to keep them from giving, but to keep others from taking and taking and taking till the giver feels they either have nothing left to give or just emotionally bankrupt from all the takers.

I struggle with boundaries. I like being helpful, giving of my time and talents and anything else that I can do to make someone's load a little lighter, or day a little brighter, I just can't help myself. I don't want to change that about myself, I guess I would rather weather through the storms of feeling unappreciated and not valued, then take the chance of becoming the very thing that brings me this pain. Don't get me wrong, I have people in my life that do make me feel valued and appreciated, and I am truly grateful to have them, without them I probably would end up on the dark side.
I know that my worth is found not in this world but in the Maker of this world, Who understands why it hurts when you give and give of yourself and get little returned. So when the takers of this world get me down, I just stay there until God gives me the strength and courage to keep on giving just as He does.
If any of you find yourself feeling as I do, take heart, you are not alone but recognize when you need to step back and let God give to you His strength, love and courage so that you can keep being the giver He made you to be.